3 Tips for Preventing Sitting Disease

March 26, 2020 by Paradise Living Center
3 Tips for Preventing Sitting Disease


More and more research is being conducted with results showing negative outcomes from an overly sedentary lifestyle. One study found a strong correlation between stagnation and a shorter life expectancy, stating “If Americans would cut their sitting time in half, their life expectancy would increase by roughly 2 years, by reducing sitting to less than 3 hours a day, or 1.4 years, by reducing TV time to less than 2 hours a day.”

Staying stationary is linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple changes to existing habits that can make a positive impact – and most of them are as simple as remaining upright:

1 – Elevate your workstation: A recent surge in the popularity of the ‘standing desk’ encourages proper posture and a more active workday. The average American only stands or stays active three hours a day, while 86 percent of Americans spend the workday sitting. While these are statistics are commonplace across the workforce, few individuals know about the positive changes that can come from standing at work, or taking an important phone call on a stroll.

2 – Commute by foot: We get it – cardio isn’t everyone’s best friend, and we certainly don’t expect for you to have the greatest relationship with it. However, walking to your next appointment, work, or the grocery store can help you lose some of the time you’d spend sitting through the course of your day. If walking to and from these activities is simply not possible – try parking at the perimeter of your destination and going from there.

3 – Socialize outdoors: Yes, patio furniture is inviting – but spending time with friends doing something active outside is a good way to cut down on our predisposition to sit chatting around the pool. Jump in and enjoy a swim or game of Marco Polo, go for a walk and talk around the neighborhood, consider a game of croquet or bocce ball. Spring in Arizona is one of the best times of the year to enjoy outdoor living.

Just making the effort to get up and walk around more often, and for longer periods of time, is an excellent way to help combat a sedentary lifestyle. Once you get into the habit of making this effort, standing will seem like the norm!

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