About Paradise Living Centers

Assisted Living - Reimagined

Compassionate Care That Feels Like Luxury

Choosing the Best Care for Your Family Ends Here

Deciding which assisted living accommodations and services meet the needs of your loved one can be challenging and worrisome. After all, you want them in the best of hands.
Paradise Living Centers is a luxury assisted living care community focused on the highest quality, hands-on care for our residents. Every senior gets the respect, dignity, and attention they deserve. Our centers are designed to offer luxurious comfort and convenience, with welcoming spaces for extended family and visitors to make themselves at home.
Our upscale residences were custom designed with meticulous attention to every detail – from the beautiful architecture to lavish interiors and outdoor living spaces. Our premium home environments include daily activities, social opportunities, relaxation, and tailored care.
All while keeping the needs of our residents at the forefront of our mission.
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Highest Ratings by
State Regulatory Agencies

Paradise Living Centers consistently receives top ratings by the Arizona Department of Health Services. We strive for continued excellence in caring for our residents through exceptional services.

Giving Families Peace of Mind

My brother and I are very appreciative of the care Mom has received while at PLC. She is doing better since she has been there. All of her caregivers that I have met personally and/ or talked to on the phone have always been very helpful and cheerful. I know their job is not an easy one.

Sandy & Matt

What Makes Paradise Living Centers

Professional Care

With professional medical staff and passionate caregivers taking care of residents around the clock, you can feel confident that their needs are always met.

Attentive Staff

Our incredible team of dedicated staff is passionate about what they do. With low staff-to-resident ratios, our on-site staff is always taking care of residents, ensuring they are closely attended to all day and night

Culture &
World-Class Cuisine

Tasty and nutritious meals are a key part of the experience at Paradise Living Centers. Our culinary experts [artisans], in consultation with a licensed nutritionist, develop diversified menus with the highest quality ingredients, ensuring we accommodate all the preferences of our residents.

Engaging Daily Activities

Engaging our residents mentally, physically, and socially with enjoyable activities and entertainment is a top priority. Our team plans daily fun activities and events to keep our seniors happy and healthy.

Our Administrative Team

Robert (Bob) Adamo

Founder of Paradise Living Centers
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Dr. Aldaoud

Medical Director / Owner
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Kerri, a valued member of our dedicated team.

Kerri Masengale

Executive Director / Owner
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Interested in
Paradise Living Centers?

Schedule a tour of our elegant homes and learn about our programs & services!
© 2025 Paradise Living Centers. Website Design by My Biz Niche
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