Give Your Grandkids a Gift They’ll Love

December 4, 2018 by Paradise Living Center
Give Your Grandkids a Gift They’ll Love


The holidays are a joyous time of year full of celebrations that bring family and friends together. Between all the parties, dinners, and get-togethers, you may be pressed for time and stressed about choosing the right gift for your grandkids. Though they’re bound to love and appreciate any gift they receive, here are some tips and ideas to help you select something they will enjoy:

  • Start a tradition: Pick something that you can add to every year. . For granddaughters, consider a charm bracelet or add-a-pearl necklace. . For grandsons, you could start a coin collection or a train set, adding pieces to the collection on birthdays and holidays.
  • Give an experience: A great gift is not always something that can be wrapped. Taking your grandkids to a show, an event or on a trip can be a great way to spend time with them and create memories. If you don’t get to see your grandkids much during the year, this time spent together will be especially meaningful.
  • Pass down a keepsake or heirloom: As a grandparent, you are often a hero and role model to your grandchildren. The relationship between grandparent and grandchild is a special one, so passing down an item of your own, such as a watch or piece of jewelry, will be something that grandkids treasure.
  • Tap into your talents: If have a talent for painting or woodwork, or enjoy knitting or needlework, consider making your grandchild something special. A handmade gift is often better than anything you can purchase in a store.
  • Toys and gadgets: No matter what age your grandchildren are, they will always have their eye on the latest toy or gadget. Talk to their parents to see if there is anything they are particularly interested in, or if there is a specific item they have mentioned. That way you can purchase a gift off their wish list that their parents may not be planning to fulfill.

This holiday season, try not to worry about what gift to give, The most important gift of all is enjoying time spent together..

Happy Holidays!

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