The Importance Of Planning For Long Term Senior Care As A Woman

June 16, 2021 by Paradise Living Center
The Importance Of Planning For Long Term Senior Care As A Woman

Long term senior care

It may not be your first priority, but planning for long term senior care is important to think about before it is deemed necessary. At some point in your lifetime, you may face physical or mental challenges and no longer will be able to take care of yourself. In an effort to prepare for your future it is essential to plan for this potential reality. Long-term senior care includes a range of services and support for you and your care needs.

If you are still unsure about your need for long term care, we have outlined a few of the reasons women need to begin to plan for their future:

Women tend to live longer than men 

On average women outlive men by about three to five years. The average life expectancy for women is 83.5 years and 79.5 for men. While women may have more time with loved ones, living longer could require women to spend twice as many years in a disabled state than men. This statistical possibility means that women need to plan for higher costs in retirement and a need to start planning sooner rather than later.

Expenses of long term care

Because Medicaid doesn’t always cover long term care, an important aspect of planning for long-term senior care is determining how you will pay for it. Women are more likely to live alone later in life, and less likely to have someone available to help them with daily activities.

Men fare better than women

Women who are divorced or separated from a spouse are more vulnerable to poverty because they traditionally have lower incomes and access to fewer resources. It is also more common for elderly women to run out of resources later in life.

To start planning for long term care, consider these three questions:

How much care will I need?

Today a person 65 and older has almost a 70% chance of needing some type of long term care service. Because women are outliving men, women on average need care for a longer period of time.

Who will provide my care?

Care providers and support can come from an unpaid caregiver, like a close relative or loved one, an at-home nurse, home care aid, or a long term senior care facility or assisted group homes, such as Paradise Living Centers who will provide 24/7 care services and other amenities.

Who pays for long term care?

Although you may want to spend money on a nice vacation or other luxuries, it may be necessary to forgo some things now to save for long term care. For low-income seniors and disabled Medicaid services will provide long term care, but your income must be below a certain amount to meet minimum state requirements.

With a full-time caregiving staff and a dedicated nurse available 24/7 at Paradise Living Centers, residents and their families receive the most compassionate and knowledgeable care. To learn more about what you can do to plan for your long term senior care contact Care Manager, Kristie Chadwick at (480) 878 – 4112 or email: or schedule a tour of Paradise Living Centers’ Paradise Valley and North Central Phoenix locations.

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