A Comprehensive Guide to the 5 Stages of Dementia: Signs, Progression, & Treatment

The 5 Stages of Dementia Explained

If you’re looking for your car keys (again) or can’t remember why you just walked into the kitchen (again), you may joke and secretly worry that you have dementia. Don’t worry; distraction, disorganization, and even forgetfulness do not represent dementia. There is much more to it than typical absent-mindedness due to aging or too much going on. 

Similarly, an aging parent, a spouse or other loved one may show signs of cognitive decline. But before assuming they suffer from dementia, learn more about the condition by exploring the different stages of dementia, their symptoms, progression, and strategies for managing the condition.

What is Dementia?

Dementia is a complex condition that interferes with a loved one’s memory, communication, language, judgment, and overall brain function. Dissimilar from memory slips that can occur with old age, dementia is a progressive malady that can be caused by Alzheimer’s disease, and it impairs parts of the brain that are vital in processing speech and spatial awareness. It is very common for people to confuse dementia with old age. After all, it’s normal for people to forget things as they get older; however, dementia and age-related memory loss are two entirely different things.

While it may be frustrating to watch your loved one struggle with dementia, this should be the time to consider professional care from highly trained specialists. At Paradise Living Centers, residents with dementia receive around-the-clock care from our certified caregivers and licensed nurse. It’s our mission to ensure residents are given the quality care they deserve, and their families are given the peace of mind they desire.

Dementia Stages: What They Mean and Where They Came From

Healthcare providers use a scale to evaluate the stage and progression of dementia. The exact number of stages may differ depending on which scale is used, but generally, the higher the stage, the more severe the cognitive decline. For example, stage one would be no symptoms of dementia, while stage 3 would be moderate dementia symptoms and so on.

One of the most common measures of dementia is the Reisberg or Global Deterioration Scale (GDS). It breaks down the progression of dementia into seven stages. Another commonly used measure, the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale (CDR), is discussed further in the next section. Experts originally developed these scales for patients with Alzheimer’s disease, but they can be used for staging non-Alzheimer’s disease dementia as well.

What are the 5 Stages of Dementia?

The CDR Scale categorizes dementia into five different stages. Each stage of these rating scales assesses the severity of symptoms in different categories, including memory, orientation, judgment and problem-solving, community affairs involvement, home life, hobbies and personal care.

At Paradise Living Centers, we want to take a moment to educate family members about the five stages of dementia. If you believe your loved one is suffering from dementia, learning about these five stages will help you provide appropriate care and support to individuals living with the condition.

Stage 1: CDR-0, No Impairment

Patients with a CDR score of 0 generally show no signs of impairment or memory loss that interfere with their normal abilities. This means your loved one has no significant memory problems, and they are able to take care of their personal needs without the help of others.

During this stage, individuals may experience typical age-related memory lapses, but these do not significantly impact their overall cognitive abilities. It’s important to note that not all individuals progress through the stages of dementia at the same pace, and some may remain in Stage 1 for an extended period.

Stage 2: CDR-0.5, Questionable Impairment

This score demonstrates very slight impairments in cognitive function. This stage usually resembles minor memory loss, but virtually no issues with personal care. If your loved one suffers from Stage 2 dementia, they may have difficulty solving problems or timing things.

The presence of questionable impairment suggests a subtle decline in cognitive abilities compared to Stage 1. Memory lapses may become more noticeable, and individuals might struggle to remember recent events or retain new information.

Stage 3: CDR-1, Mild Impairment

Stage 3 dementia can disrupt your loved one’s ability to perform normal activities outside the home. If they have trouble with directions or begin neglecting personal chores, you may want to have them see a specialist for care.

The mild impairment seen in Stage 3 suggests a noticeable decline in cognitive abilities compared to earlier stages. Individuals may have trouble remembering recent events, experience confusion with time and place, and exhibit difficulties in judgment and problem-solving. While they may still manage basic self-care tasks, their ability to handle complex activities and navigate unfamiliar environments may be compromised.

Stage 4: CDR-2, Moderate Impairment

Patients with stage 4 dementia struggle with personal hygiene, daily chores, and social activities. At this point, your loved one’s short-term memory is seriously impaired, which means they may have trouble remembering new people.

In Stage 4, the decline in cognitive abilities becomes more pronounced, impacting various aspects of daily life. Individuals may struggle with maintaining personal hygiene, such as bathing, grooming, and dressing themselves. They may require assistance or reminders to perform basic tasks. They may also rely heavily on established routines and familiar surroundings to compensate for their memory deficits.

Stage 5: CDR-3, Severe Impairment

A CDR-3 score indicates Stage 5 or severe dementia, which means your loved one cannot function without the help of a caregiver. The understanding of time, direction, and taking care of one’s personal needs are completely gone at this point in time.

Stage 5 is considered late-stage, severe dementia. People at this stage, particularly those stricken with Alzheimer’s disease, will have severe memory loss along with reasoning difficulties. They will no longer be able to speak or communicate coherently and may exhibit some really strange behavior. They cannot eat, dress, or use the bathroom without help. 

Physically, they may no longer be able to walk or even hold their head up without support. Muscles become rigid, and eventually, their ability to swallow or control bodily functions fails. Comparatively, this would be stage 7 on the GDS scale.

What are the Different Types of Dementia?

There are several different types of dementia, each characterized by unique causes, symptoms, and progression. 

This accounts for the majority of cases. It is characterized by the accumulation of amyloid plaques and tau tangles in the brain, leading to progressive cognitive decline, memory loss, and changes in behavior.

This is caused by reduced blood flow to the brain, often due to stroke or other vascular conditions. Symptoms may include problems with thinking, memory and difficulty with movement and coordination.

This is characterized by the presence of abnormal protein deposits called Lewy bodies in the brain. It can cause various symptoms, including fluctuations in alertness, visual hallucinations, movement difficulties, and cognitive impairments similar to Alzheimer’s.

Frontotemporal dementia primarily affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. It leads to changes in personality, behavior, and language skills. Memory loss may be less prominent in the early stages than other types.

People with Parkinson’s disease may develop dementia as the disease progresses. Symptoms include movement difficulties, tremors, and cognitive changes such as memory loss, slow thinking, and impaired judgment.

Mixed dementia refers to a combination of two or more types, most commonly Alzheimer’s disease and vascular dementia. It presents a mix of symptoms associated with the different types involved.

There are rarer dementia types, such as Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Huntington’s disease, and Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, associated with specific underlying causes or conditions.

It’s important to note that each type has its unique characteristics, and accurate diagnosis is crucial for appropriate management and care.

Diagnosing and Identifying Dementia Stage

Accurate diagnosis and stage identification are essential for developing an appropriate care plan as the disease progresses. Diagnosing dementia involves a comprehensive evaluation that includes medical history, physical examination, cognitive tests, and sometimes imaging scans.

The healthcare professional will assess the individual’s symptoms, cognitive abilities, and functional impairments to determine the stage of a person’s dementia.

In addition to medical assessments, healthcare professionals may also consider input from family members or caregivers who have observed the individual’s behavior and cognitive changes over time. The combination of clinical evaluations, cognitive testing, and imaging results can help accurately diagnose and determine the stage of dementia.

Once a dementia diagnosis is established, the healthcare team can provide information and support to the individual and their loved ones, helping them understand the progression of the disease and plan for future care needs.

Treatment and Care for People with Dementia

There are no long-term treatments for dementia. As of yet, nothing is available that will slow the progression or provide a cure, but there are steps that families and care providers can take to improve the situation in the short run. 

These treatments and interventions aim to manage symptoms, slow the progression, and improve the overall quality of life of people with dementia, often involving a combination of medications, therapies, and supportive care.

Medications and Therapies

Depending on the type and stage of dementia, healthcare providers may prescribe medications to manage cognitive symptoms, such as memory loss and confusion. 

Additionally, non-pharmacological therapies can complement medication treatments. Cognitive stimulation programs, reminiscence therapy, and music or art therapy can enhance cognitive abilities, reduce anxiety, and promote social engagement.

Supportive Care

Creating a supportive and safe environment is essential for individuals with dementia. Caregivers and family members can modify the home environment to reduce falls and accidents and enhance independence. This may include installing grab bars, removing trip hazards, or labeling commonly used items.

Paradise Living Centers enlists memory care experts to work with our residents and lead them in activities that engage and help slow down cognitive decline.

Lifestyle Changes

Maintaining a structured routine and engaging in regular physical exercise can also contribute to overall well-being. Physical activity helps maintain physical function, promotes better sleep patterns, and reduces behavioral symptoms. 

A healthy diet of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and proper hydration supports overall brain health. Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and quitting smoking can also have a positive impact.

Dementia may be difficult to deal with, but it doesn’t have to turn life upside down for you and your family. 

Call Paradise Living Centers in Paradise Valley and Phoenix to speak to our Care Manager about our memory care program and other care services. We are here to help. Call 480.878.4112 today!


Is dementia hereditary?

Some forms of dementia have a genetic component, meaning they can run in families. However, not all cases of dementia are hereditary, and having a family member with dementia does not guarantee that an individual will develop the condition.

Can dementia be prevented?

While there is no surefire way to prevent dementia, certain lifestyle choices may help reduce the risk. These include engaging in regular physical exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, staying mentally and socially active, managing chronic conditions, and avoiding smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

What are the early signs and symptoms of dementia?

The early signs of dementia can vary depending on the specific type and individual, but there are some common symptoms to be aware of. These signs may develop gradually and often go unnoticed in the earlier stages of the disease. 

Dementia symptoms typically include:

Difficulty remembering recent events or important information is often one of the earliest signs of dementia. Individuals may forget appointments, conversations, or where they placed objects.

People with early-stage dementia may experience confusion and have trouble following directions or finding their way in familiar environments.

Struggling to find the right words, forgetting familiar words, or having difficulty understanding and following conversations are common language-related challenges in the early stages of dementia.

How does dementia progress?

Dementia is a progressive condition, meaning symptoms tend to worsen over time. The rate of progression can vary from person to person and depends on the underlying cause of dementia. As the condition progresses, individuals may experience the following changes:

Memory problems become more pronounced, affecting both short-term and long-term memory. Individuals may struggle to recognize familiar faces or places.

Language difficulties become more apparent, with individuals having difficulty following or participating in conversations. They may also struggle with reading and writing.

Personality changes and mood swings can occur as dementia progresses. Individuals may become irritable, anxious, or even exhibit aggressive behavior. They may also experience depression and withdrawal from social activities.

What is the difference between dementia and Alzheimer’s disease?

Dementia is a general term that refers to a decline in cognitive function, while Alzheimer’s is a specific type of dementia. It is characterized by the buildup of abnormal protein plaques and tangles in the brain, leading to progressive cognitive decline.

What are the stages of memory loss in dementia patients?

Memory loss is a hallmark symptom of dementia, and it can progress through different stages as the condition worsens. The stages of memory loss in dementia include:

In the early stages, individuals may experience occasional forgetfulness and difficulty remembering recent events or conversations.

Memory loss becomes more pronounced in the middle stages of dementia. Individuals may struggle to recall important details, such as names, dates, or significant life events.

Severe memory loss characterizes the end stages of dementia. Individuals may struggle to recognize close family members and have difficulty recalling personal information or memories from their past.

How long does dementia last?

The duration of dementia can vary widely depending on several factors, including the type of dementia, individual health, and access to appropriate care. 

On average, individuals live with dementia for approximately 8 to 10 years after the initial diagnosis. However, the disease’s progression is highly individualized, and some individuals may live with dementia for a shorter or longer period.

What stage of dementia is repetition?

Repetition is a common behavior in individuals with dementia and can occur in different stages of the condition. However, it is often more prevalent in the middle and late stages of dementia. As cognitive function declines, individuals may repeat questions, statements, or actions due to memory deficits and difficulty retaining new information.

At what stage do dementia patients forget family members?

Forgetting family members can occur at different stages of dementia, but it is typically more prevalent in the later stages. As the condition progresses, individuals may struggle to recognize and remember close family members, including spouses, children, or siblings. However, it’s important to note that the rate and extent of memory loss can vary among individuals.

What stage of dementia is sundowning?

Sundowning, also known as late-day confusion, is commonly associated with the middle and late stages of dementia. It refers to a pattern of increased confusion, agitation, and restlessness that tends to occur later in the day or evening. While sundowning can vary in severity and frequency, it is more prevalent in the middle and later stages of dementia.

What is “end stage” dementia?

The term “end stage” is often used to describe the late stages of dementia when individuals experience a significant cognitive and physical decline. In this stage, individuals typically require round-the-clock care and assistance with all activities of daily living. However, it’s important to note that the specific staging terminology can vary depending on the assessment tool or framework healthcare professionals use.

What can we do for people with late-stage dementia?

Although research has yet to yield something new on the medicinal front, that doesn’t mean the care of people with severe dementia should solely be focused on their physical needs. Care should provide comfort, preserve dignity and include activities that stimulate the senses.

Experts recommend focusing on small repetitive tasks that engage each of the senses: sight, touch, smell, hearing and taste. However, always consult with the clinical staff before running any activities, and arm yourself with realistic expectations.


Early diagnosis and intervention are crucial in dementia management. If you suspect your loved one may be experiencing cognitive decline, it is recommended to seek a comprehensive evaluation from healthcare professionals who specialize in dementia care. They can provide a more accurate diagnosis, offer guidance on treatment options, and provide support for both the individual and their caregivers.

If you have any questions about how to best care for someone diagnosed with dementia or our assisted living community, please contact Paradise Living Centers at (480) 878-4112.

Respite Care, and Maintaining Your Loved One’s Independence

maintaining your loved one's independence

If you’re the primary caregiver to a family member, it’s likely that you are also the first line of support in all facets of your loved one’s life. Most caregivers, do a great deal to ensure their loved one’s independence so they can go about their daily activities without the support of a long-term care facility.

However, in trying to maintain this independence, it’s especially important that caregivers recognize their own personal limits – which is where respite care can be helpful. This short-term care is an excellent option or solution and it can be invaluable to a primary caregiver in need of extra assistance or a break.

Perhaps your loved one was recently discharged from the hospital, but needs additional attention during a recovery period. Respite care staff and nurses are often trained in these intricacies – be they additional mobility support, round-the-clock vigilance, or that you might feel ill equipped to provide.

Or, maybe a vacation or business trip is coming up. Respite care can the answer to allow a caregiver to tend to other things and ensure peace of mind when you’re not able to physically be there for your loved one.

Setting appropriate boundaries in terms of the responsibilities you take on yourself, and then entrusting others, is incredibly important as a primary caregiver. As with most major decisions in life, biting off more than you can chew can spell disaster in the form of resentment or a loss of positivity, and lead to caregiver burnout.

Caregiver burnout, described by The Eldercare Consultant author Becky Feola as “the state of [caregiving-prompted] physical, emotional, or mental exhaustion.”

Serving as a caregiver can be very rewarding and also very demanding. As a result, it can often lead to exhaustion. Understanding that respite care is available and being willing to utilize is a first step in taking care of yourself and your loved one. It can also give you time to evaluate whether you’re setting realistic goals, and if some of the responsibilities you are taking on are too much for you alone to handle.

At Paradise Living Centers, we understand how important it is for caregivers to also take good care of themselves. In addition to our residential care, we also offer respite care based on our room availability. If you are interested in learning more about our respite care program, contact kristie@paradiselivingcenters.com.

Ways to keep cognitive skills in the early stages of memory decline

Ways to keep cognitive skills in early stages of memory decline

Cognitive aging is, put simply, a process that all people must go through as they grow older. While we typecast and stereotype the effects of memory decline as an ailment of the elderly, brains age at different rates, depending on the individual.

Truthfully, there are many different factors that can affect cognitive abilities at all points in our lifetime. These factors can include medications that can impact our mental abilities or conditions like anxiety or depression, which can lower our drive to consume more information.

Fortunately, there are certain steps that can help prevent premature cognitive aging and actually sharpen our mental abilities. According to Emory University, these include:

Incorporating these strategies can help heighten mental awareness and cognition at any age.

At Paradise Living Center, we have extensive experience caring for residents with dementia and Alzheimer’s. To help ensure that all of our residents are mentally stimulated, we provide the opportunity to participate in diverse daily activities and memory care programs.

National Seniors Fitness and Health Day

senior-crossing-1253800Wednesday, May 25th is National Seniors Fitness and Health Day and approximately 100,000 older adults will participate in activities at more than 1,000 locations throughout the U.S. This year’s theme is “Improve Your Health for a Better Self,” which encourages older Americans to get healthy and fit and focus on becoming the best they can be.

Living in the desert it can begin to heat up by the end of May, making it more difficult to be active outside, especially if you’re elderly. Staying fit in Phoenix during the summer can be daunting to anyone looking to improve or maintain their health, and for seniors it can often be especially challenging. To help overcome the challenges of our inevitably sweltering summer weather and inspire seniors to get moving, we offer up some exercise tips for the season:

Indoor Action:

While the hot sun might be good for breaking a sweat faster, it can be too much and dangerous even over a shorter period of time for elders. Instead, look at moving activity regimens inside. There is a wide variety of video-driven workouts geared towards senior adults that are perfect a guided indoor exercise session. Equipment like resistance bands and light hand weights are always a good option. Stretching on a yoga mat or dancing to a favorite tune can also inspire movement and get the heart pumping.

Taking Advantage of the Early Hours:

A leisurely walk in the early morning hours is good method of exercise at any age. Simply waking up a bit earlier each day to enjoy the outdoors can help minimize the heat challenge, while maintaining a regular workout plan.

Water Aerobics:

A great way to keep healthy joints and boost cardio is resistance training in a pool. The water helps to keep the body cool, making it easier to exercise on a hot day. Additionally, the nature of gravity within the water means that the physical tension on elders with osetoperosis, weak joints, or arthritis is diminished.

National Seniors Fitness and Health Day was established to raise awareness and inspire us to stay active as we age. The reality is 30 minutes of exercise each day to improve and maintain health and overall well-being. So start moving – walk, dance, take up yoga. Whatever you choose to do, keep up the exercise this summer and be sure to stay hydrated and safe!

Happy National Nurses Day

Tracy Strand_1

National Nurses Day is celebrated annually on May 6. This day also marks the beginning of National Nurses Week, ending on May 12 – the birthday of the most famous nurse, Florence Nightingale. Today, we’d like to pay tribute and special thanks to our nurse, Tracy Strand.

Tracy joined the Paradise Living Centers team in March, 2016 and brings more than 30 years of industry experience with her.

As Health Care Manager, LPN Tracy is focused on keeping our residents well and regularly checking on them for signs of illness or changes in their health to prevent decline and hospitalization. Tracy is available to our team 24/7. In addition, Tracy works closely with our Care Manager, Kristie Chadwick to maintain ongoing compliance with the state rules and regulations.

Tracy started her career as a certified nursing assistant in a skilled nursing home at the age of 18, she really is a modern day Florence Nightingale, and is truly dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of our residents and keeping them active and healthy. For Tracy, caring just clicked with her and she really enjoys the connection with seniors. She enjoys learning about our residents’ life experiences and has such respect for them. Tracy and her team of caregivers help our residents maintain a level of dignity and independence that is possible for each unique situation.

“If you are thinking about becoming a nurse you must be ready to commit,” says Tracy.

“It’s important to prioritize and strive for a work-life balance to be the best nurse you can be. Burnout is a real thing and you never want to be resentful of those you care for,” she explains.

Tracy is a proud mom of three and active in the Alzheimer’s Association.

Why assisted living is the best option for seniors with dementia

If you’re reading this, you probably know a senior(s) with dementia or you’ve probably heard about the effects of dementia. However, you may not yet realize that once the disease progresses, memory loss diminishes the minds ability to make safe decisions.

seniors with dementia

There are several different types of dementia, but they all affect the brain’s ability to absorb information and weigh options. As a result, there are a number of concerns you may have, if you have a loved one with dementia that is still living at home.


  1. Safety issues can arise from insufficient supervision:

More than 60 percent of seniors with dementia will wander. It can become particularly dangerous when the individual can no longer find his or her way home.

All too often we hear reports about missing elderly persons. They may have left to get milk at the store or for a walk and haven’t returned home. Having someone monitor the whereabouts of your loved one is one aspect of a caregiver’s responsibility at an assisted living home.

  1. Dementia can change the nutritional balance of the patient:

A senior’s health can decline due to poor diet choices. When an individual suffers from dementia, they may forget to eat or experience a loss of appetite.  When a loved one is living in an assisted care home, the caregivers will observe changes in eating habits and make sure that they are being served meals that support a balanced diet.

  1. Medicating properly can prove difficult for those suffering with dementia:

Forgetting to take medication altogether, skipping a dosage or taking it twice are all common mistakes that can happen when a senior with dementia is tasked with managing their own medications.

Using a day-of-the-week pill organizer can be helpful, however this reminder will no longer be enough with progressed memory loss. When the patient doesn’t remember what day it is, they need more assistance administering daily medications.  A trusted caregiver can make sure medication is taken properly and at the correct times of day.

Choosing assisted living for your loved one suffering with dementia provides them and you the support needed to live with this disease. It will not only help your loved one maintain a healthy and happy life but using preventative measures can also enrich it.

Open House: Take a look inside our new home!

PLC Open House Collage

March 31st marked a very important milestone for Paradise Living Centers – the public unveiling of our second assisted care home located in the heart of North Central Phoenix!

More than one hundred guests turned out for the open house, which included neighbors, care advocates, health care professionals, many of our vendors and friends and family.

The celebration included a midday lunch of sandwiches and sides and guests were able to meet the team and take a tour. We opened the doors again for the evening where our resident chef Luis prepared a variety of delicious h’ordeuvres that were paired with wine for our visitors to enjoy. As new arrivals mingled, our staff led guided tours of our ten-bedroom, ten-bathroom home and answered questions.

Beyond the smell of fresh paint and new décor, one of the most noticeable features is the open floor plan with plenty of indoor and outdoor space for gathering and social activities, without sacrificing individual privacy. Hallways are considerably wide, allowing for easy accessibility for wheel chairs. Common areas are bright with well-placed windows enhance the natural light. Each bedroom comes with a private bathroom, and many of the rooms offer a door directly out to the backyard patio.

The home is now open for tours by appointment and will be ready for residents to move in, in a few short weeks. Get a sneak peek of our new home and the party, and you’ll see just what we mean!

3 Tips for Preventing Sitting Disease


More and more research is being conducted with results showing negative outcomes from an overly sedentary lifestyle. One study found a strong correlation between stagnation and a shorter life expectancy, stating “If Americans would cut their sitting time in half, their life expectancy would increase by roughly 2 years, by reducing sitting to less than 3 hours a day, or 1.4 years, by reducing TV time to less than 2 hours a day.”

Staying stationary is linked to heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some forms of cancer. Fortunately, there are plenty of simple changes to existing habits that can make a positive impact – and most of them are as simple as remaining upright:

1 – Elevate your workstation: A recent surge in the popularity of the ‘standing desk’ encourages proper posture and a more active workday. The average American only stands or stays active three hours a day, while 86 percent of Americans spend the workday sitting. While these are statistics are commonplace across the workforce, few individuals know about the positive changes that can come from standing at work, or taking an important phone call on a stroll.

2 – Commute by foot: We get it – cardio isn’t everyone’s best friend, and we certainly don’t expect for you to have the greatest relationship with it. However, walking to your next appointment, work, or the grocery store can help you lose some of the time you’d spend sitting through the course of your day. If walking to and from these activities is simply not possible – try parking at the perimeter of your destination and going from there.

3 – Socialize outdoors: Yes, patio furniture is inviting – but spending time with friends doing something active outside is a good way to cut down on our predisposition to sit chatting around the pool. Jump in and enjoy a swim or game of Marco Polo, go for a walk and talk around the neighborhood, consider a game of croquet or bocce ball. Spring in Arizona is one of the best times of the year to enjoy outdoor living.

Just making the effort to get up and walk around more often, and for longer periods of time, is an excellent way to help combat a sedentary lifestyle. Once you get into the habit of making this effort, standing will seem like the norm!

Brain Awareness Week

brains awareness week

Mark your calendars – March 14 – 20 is Brain Awareness Week. , According to The Dana Foundation, Brain Awareness Week “is the global campaign to increase public awareness of the progress and benefits of brain research.”

Many of the conditions benefiting from further research continue to ail our elderly population. Alzheimers and Parkinson’s disease both deal with complications related to the brain – and more analysis is needed to better combat and minimize their negative effects.

Our brain is our connection to the world around us – our memory, mind, and ability to learn how to shape the foundations of society and our perception of life itself. So just how important is it to better understand its functions as we age?

Very. Alzheimers affects five million Americans, while Parkinson’s takes its toll on one million, and the occurrence of both increases in rate as we age. Finding treatments to halt or reverse neurodegenerative diseases is the ultimate goal of much brain research. Identifying protective genes or lifestyle factors that contribute to these problems gives us a much greater chance at treatment options, and potentially even a cure.

You may be asking how we can better protect our brain while we age. The Dana Foundation states, “Experts estimate that just 30 percent of aging is genetically programmed. The rest depends on the cumulative impact of inner and outer environments — factors we can largely control.” – This means a great deal of our potential is in our own hands.

To help improve or positively impact our brain health here are a few things to consider:

Exploring unfamiliar ground — for example, learning a foreign language or musical instrument — can be especially beneficial.

At PLC, we have a mindset that allows for individual, personalized care needs – whatever our resident’s mental state may be. For more information, visit our website.

Helping Your Loved One Transition to Assisted Living


When the time comes to consider the move of an aging family member from their relatively independent environment into an assisted living facility or group home, it is rarely an easy decision or transition. The reality is that as our population is aging it’s a choice that more and more families have to make. We do, however, have some tips to help make the move to an assisted living home that much easier:






At Paradise Living Centers our caregivers and Care Manager work closely with families to ensure the transition runs smoothly. From meals to medicine, they’re there for your loved one, so developing a relationship with them can be an essential asset. We also welcome family members to visit often and plan regular gatherings and celebrations.


As you consider the next step for your aging family members, keep these tips in mind to help reduce some of the anxiety or concerns that may cloud any decisions. Our team at Paradise Living Center are always available to assist and if you are evaluating the options, we encourage you to schedule a tour. The process of making the decision with your family and loved one is often a difficult one. We are here to help.